Math Gifts
For this category “math gifts” we carefully selected just a few of our math sculptures which are particularly well suited to be given to somebody.
The Moebius Strip is a mathematical classic, and even for rings it has been used for many decades at least. Our version of the Moebius Strip ring, however, is special. Its shape is defined by a mathematical formula!
The Moebius Strip is a mathematical classic, and even for rings it has been used for many decades at least. Our version of the Moebius Strip pendant, however, is special. Its shape is defined by a mathematical formula!
This space curve in a cube with projections (1b) is a math classic. Use a torch to compare the projections of the space curve (in the center) on a plane with the 3d-printed ones.
This space curve in a cube is a math classic. To view its projections on a plane, just take a torch (or your cell phone lamp).
A trefoil knot is the simplest non-trivial mathematical knot. It has been known for thousands of years.
Cubic surfaces are a math model classic from the 19th century. We provide one of our favourite examples (cubic surface KM 42) in the form of a pendant.
At first sight, our speed curve pendant might seem to consist of some arbitrary wire. But this is not true at all. Almost every detail is defined by mathematical formulas.
The gyroid is a modern classic. It is a so-called minimal surface. Our object is an approximation of it in terms of sine and cosine.
This version of Clebsch's famous diagonal surface model features colored lines. One intersects the surfaces in a line and a hyperbola, the another one in three lines.
The shape of our "four pillows meet pendant" is given by a single mathematical equation. Have you ever seen a pendant like this before?