A trefoil knot pendant
A trefoil knot is the simplest non-trivial mathematical knot. It has been known for thousands of years.
A trefoil knot is the simplest non-trivial mathematical knot. It has been known for thousands of years.
At first sight, our speed curve pendant might seem to consist of some arbitrary wire. But this is not true at all. Almost every detail is defined by mathematical formulas.
The shape of our "four pillows meet pendant" is given by a single mathematical equation. Have you ever seen a pendant like this before?
Our "six pillows' secret pendant" is a very special piece of math jewelry. Its shape is given by a single equation. Have you ever seen a pendant like this before?
The photo shows a smoothed Kummer surface in steel (inflated with bronze). This post also features links to plastic versions of this shape. The Kummer surface is a classic from the 19th century; our model is a smoothed version of it.