About our series of photos: Math sculptures in context2017-01-30T13:33:06+01:00

About our series of photos: Math sculptures in context

Most of our sculptures are based on stories and mathematics which developed over decades or even centuries.

With our series of photos called “math sculptures in context” we aim to highlight this particular feature of our work.

1702, 2017

Boy and Möbius in the family room

By |February 17th, 2017|Categories: all, August Ferdinand Möbius, math sculptures in context, non-orientable surfaces, strong and flexible, Werner Boy|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

The Moebius strip is a simple, but fascinating math object, with just one side and one connected boundary curve. Werner Boy's surface contains such strips!

2801, 2017

The Cayley/Klein cubic with four singularities in the family room

By |January 28th, 2017|Categories: all, Arthur Cayley, article "Straight lines on models of curved surfaces" (2017), Carl Rodenberg, cubic surfaces, Felix Klein, math sculptures in context, strong and flexible|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Our modern version of Klein's historical cubic surface model with four singularities is the main figure in our photo from the series "math sculptures in context". It is the pure white version with its 9 straight lines.

2701, 2017

Clebsch and Klein in the family room

By |January 27th, 2017|Categories: Alfred Clebsch, all, Clebsch Diagonal Surface, discriminant surfaces, Felix Klein, math sculptures in context, strong and flexible|0 Comments

It was back in the 1872 Göttingen, Germany, at a meeting of the scientific society. Alfred Clebsch and Felix Klein each presented a model of a cubic surface. Our modern versions of these historical - nowadays quite famous - sculptures are the main figures in our photo.

2701, 2017

The Clebsch diagonal surface in the family room

By |January 27th, 2017|Categories: Alfred Clebsch, all, article "Straight lines on models of curved surfaces" (2017), Carl Rodenberg, Clebsch Diagonal Surface, for mathematicians, math sculptures in context, strong and flexible|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Our modern version of Clebsch's historical - nowadays quite famous - diagonal surface model is the main figure in our photo from the series "math sculptures in context". It is the pure white version with the 27 straight lines.

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